• Welcome To JP Express Demolition Services

Building Demolition Contractors, Sands Point, NY.

Over the course of time, JP Express Demolition has supplied top-notch demolition services to people of Sands Point, NY. We focus to excellence ensures secure, perfect, and environmentally-friendly demolition options. We're experts in all things demolition, offering versatile and unbeatable services.

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Top Quality at The Most Affordable Prices

Why Choose Us?

At JP Express, we provide our clients with exceptional demolition services that are unmatched. We believe in value, and that's the reason we continue to remain an field leading company. When you work with us at JP Express, we offer you with the best demolition services you can get out there. We never treat our projects as just another means of getting profits, rather we prioritize creating long-lasting relationships with our clients by delivering them every aspect they need, and also taking all things that might lead to positivity into consideration. We take on each project as if it were ours. Although there are a great deal of reasons why you could choose us over competing options, permit us to examine just a couple.

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Safety Commitment

Since well trained and highly experienced professionals, we understand the hazards that lie in unintentional demolition for both the well-being of people and the environment. As a safety conscious and committed company, We ensure that our projects are not carried out carelessly

State-of-the-art Equipment

At JP Express Demolition, we are up to date on the cutting-edge technology out there that can help us to improve the quality of services provided by us. We have various equipment for different types of projects, regardless of how massive or difficult a project might seem, we have the essential equipment as well as the expertise to deliver a neat job.

Environmental Responsibility

Environmental safety is a fundamental aspect of our core values at JP Express Demolition, which is one of the reasons why we offer environmental remediation services. We contribute our own quota to saving the planet and also our immediate environment.

Competitive Pricing

Despite the high quality of services provided by us, we do not charge our clients unnecessarily high. Like earlier mentioned, customer satisfaction is a significant part of our core values. We do not see our clients as just a money-making machine. Rather, we put ourselves into our clients' shoes by providing them with high-quality services at affordable prices. At JP Express Demolition, we believe that you do not have to empty your wallet before you have access to our high-quality services.

Our Demolition Process

To ensure a safe and precisely completed demolition project, at JP Express demolition, we strictly follow certain demolition processes and they are;

Site Assessment:

Before we start on any project, we make a complete survey of the building to ensure that all things are in the right places before we start with the demolition process. We check for the variety of material used in the building construction, how long or short the building has been in usage, the design of the building, the types of things in the building, the environmental effect of the demolition on the neighboring buildings, and so on.

Permits and Compliance

As a legally authorized and accredited demolition company. We understand the importance of not breaking laws and therefore we do not embark on any demolition projects without getting the necessary permits either from the local, state, or federal agencies. In some states, before carrying out demolition projects as simple as interior demolition, you need to get a permit from government agencies before you carry out the project. Most individuals are ignorant to this law which may cause problems for them. That is why we are there for you.

Implementation of Safety Precautions

After site assessment and getting the essential permits and compliance, the subsequent thing we do is to put in protective measures, and these measures are rigorously enforced. As we fully understand that failure to follow appropriate safety measures can lead to detrimental effects.

Quality at Its Best

Our Services

JP Express Demolition is a accredited demolition company with many years of knowledge in delivering demolition services. Our offerings include numerous up-to-date demolition services that cater to the diverse needs of our clients. We possess well-trained personnel resources, vast expertise, and advanced mechanical equipment, our clients can rely on us wholeheartedly. We provide a diverse range of demolition services that address both corporate and residential properties. These services include:

Building Demolition

Structure demolition refers to to destroy, raze down, or knock down a structure. Such actions can be done for diverse reasons. A structure can be demolished since it has passed its life span limit, to construct a larger structure, to add new additions to some part of the structure, or should the landlord wants to sell the land vacant of any structure. Nonetheless, appropriate building demolition is much more intricate than that, as each structure has its own demands that have to be carefully and accurately met for a successful and risk-free demolition process.

Commercial Demolition

Commercial Demolition involves the tearing down of commercial buildings such as hotels, factories, stores, office buildings and so on Commercial demolition takes place for various reasons such as owners wanting to add more business areas, restructuring, rebuilding and so on. The structure of the building will determine the type of demolition process to be applied
Also, since it is a commercial structure it is most likely to be in a public area, therefore it becomes imperative to inform the neighboring buildings of what is about to be done. Also barricades should be made to prevent pedestrians from working into the demolition area. At JP Express Demolition, we ensure that the demolition process of your commercial building is done perfectly. We ensure that all the necessary licenses and safety measures are put in place. Also, we carry out the commercial demolition process in a cost effective way that will ensure that some of the materials used for the building construction is still reusable. Tearing down commercial structures encompasses the removal of commercial buildings like hotels, factories, stores, office buildings, and so on. Commercial demolition happens for diverse reasons, including but not limited to owners seeking to add more business areas, restructuring efforts, rebuilding, and so on.

Structural Demolition

Component demolition essentially means the demolition of a specific architectural component of a structure. Many building structures are built with steel framing or architectural concrete building, the tearing down of these structures is called structural demolition. At our company, structural demolition is one of the many demolition services that we deliver. We understand the nuances and particulars of this process as well as the security and well-being protocols, up to date machinery, and approaches for impeccability.  Feel free to choose and spin the alternatives as needed for your content.

Structural Demolition

Component demolition essentially means the demolition of a specific architectural component of a structure. Many building structures are built with steel framing or architectural concrete building, the tearing down of these structures is called structural demolition. At our company, structural demolition is one of the many demolition services that we deliver. We understand the nuances and particulars of this process as well as the security and well-being protocols, up to date machinery, and approaches for impeccability.  Feel free to choose and spin the alternatives as needed for your content.

Residential Demolition

Homeowners can resort to residential demolition for various reasons; they could choose to demolish the whole structure to erect a new one, a part of the home may be demolished to make room for new additions or to create more space, and it might also be used as a cost-effective renovation process.

At JP Express Demolition, we are adequately prepared with the necessary equipment, machineries, and the skilled expertise to deliver a proper and eco-friendly safe residential demolition that is budget-friendly.

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Interior Demolition

Interior Demolition as the name implies refers to the demolition of only the interior elements or structure in a building without touching the exterior. In most cases, the exterior structure of a building is still in good shape while the interior isn't. In situations like this, instead of whole demolition, the preferred and most cost-effective measure is to demolish just only the interior part of the building. Also, interior demolition can be done for purposes such as development of new spaces, repair of damages, or space remodeling. It usually involves activities such as wall removal, ceiling removal, flooring, furniture removal (i.e., cabinets), electrical works, and so on. One might think that this is a simple task that you can easily do with a group of handy friends or members of your family. This is a very wrong approach, as this type of demolition process can be quite tricky, as unnecessary/silly mistakes could lead to partial structural demolition of the building or the demolition of the whole building. You could even break laws without knowing that you are. This is why it is always safe to work with professionals such as JP Express.

Safety First

Demolition Technique

We make use of two major demolition methods and they are:

  • Non Explosive demolition method
  • Controlled demolition process
  • Non- Explosive Demolition Method

    In this process, we make use of just machineries and hand tools such as sledgehammers, diggers, and earthmovers e.t.c. This type of Demolition method is ideal for demolishing small to medium sized structures.

  • Implosive Demolition Method

    This method, as the name implies, makes use of explosives to bring down the building. This method is used mostly for tall buildings. This works by making the structure weak through the explosives, which will in turn weaken the building and make it collapse. This process can be done in two ways. The first way is to make the building “Fall like a tree,” which means the building is made to fall on sideways. While the second way is to make the building implode upon itself, that is, to collapse on itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: Do you provide green Demolition services?

ANSWER: As an industry leading company, providing demolition services that are fundamentally safe for the environment and also surrounding communities is a top priority for us.

QUESTION: Do you provide green Demolition services?

ANSWER: As an industry leading company, providing demolition services that are fundamentally safe for the environment and also surrounding communities is a top priority for us.

QUESTION: In what areas are your demolition services accessible?

ANSWER:Our demolition services are available all over Sands Point, NY. Whenever you need our services, just reach out to us and we will respond swiftly.

QUESTION: Do you Retrieve building materials from demolition sites?

ANSWER: :Yes we do. We have an extensive connection of third-party companies that we can send building materials to for recycling. Be it concrete, metal, rods, plastics, cardboard, and so on.

QUESTION: Are your rates high?

ANSWER: In spite of the fact that we provide you with the best demolition services out there, we pride ourselves in providing you with outstanding services at a affordable rate.

QUESTION: Why should I choose JP Express Demolition Beyond others?

ANSWER:We provide you with outstanding demolition services, we pay attention to details and our professionalism is top notch. We have a track record of successful projects that are listed on our website for new and intending clients to see.

Safety Measures and Regulations in Demolition

Despite its many benefits, the demolition process can be quite dangerous if the proper and adequate safe practices and regulations aren't adhered to. A demolition project is susceptible to various dangers such as falling from heights, coming in contact with hazardous materials, equipment or machinery failure, environmental risk and so on.

All these can be very unsafe for workers on the site as it may cause them to be seriously injured and in worst-case scenarios lead to casualties.

Having an comprehensive knowledge of the demolition process and all the risks that come with it will enable one to know how to avoid these risks and to also know how to best handle them if and when they occur.

It becomes crucial to work with professionals like JP Express demolition for a safe demolition process where all the necessary demolition safety precautions and regulations will be applied. We have put together 10 demolition safety precautions and regulations that we follow for all of our projects. They are:


  • Site Examination:

    Firstly, we do a thorough survey of the site we are to carry out the demolition project. This meticulous survey will give us an insight into the type of building we are to deal with, the structure of the building, the types of materials used in constructing the building, hazardous materials that may be on the site and so on. All these will help us in knowing the best approach to take for the safe and successful demolition process.

  • Planning

    Next is planning, we use the data gathered from our comprehensive site survey to plan for precautionary measures and regulations to be taken all through the project. Planning enables us to know the type of machinery and equipment to bring along, the secure demolition technique for diverse types of building, how best to avoid danger and how best to handle it if it should happen.

  • Use of Technology

    By taking advantage of what technology has to offer, we are able to provide our workers with the latest and proper equipment that will ensure their safety on site. The right equipment is used for the right projects and not the other way round. Equipment is provided to meet the specific needs of each project.

  • Following OSHA( Occupational Safety Health Administration) Regulations:

    OSHA has a set of regulations and regulations guiding demolition projects to guide the safety of workers. We are well aware of all these regulations and we ensure to follow them everytime, and so also do our workers.

  • Limit Traffic Movement

    Another important safety precaution we follow is controlling traffic movement. Doing this will limit the rate at which workers bump into each other while working, which could lead to accidents. This step is a part of the planning process which is enforced on site.
    Also, we put up segregations and signs to prevent pedestrians and vehicles from wandering into the demolition site unhindered.

  • Obtainment of Mandatory Permits:

    We understand that there are different laws and regulations guiding the demolition projects in diverse cities and states. Therefore, before embarking on any demolition projects, we ensure to get the necessary permits from government agencies be it Local, State or Federal agencies.

  • Professionally Trained Staffs:

    We make sure to employ only competent staff members. We understand the danger that an ill-qualified worker can pose for himself, his co-workers, and the entire project as a whole. Our staff members are properly trained and up to date on the latest trends in the industry. They are also aware of the safety measures and precautions to take when carrying out a demolition project and also the steps to take in the case of an emergency.


  • Use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment):

    All workers on the demolition site are provided with the latest protective gear that fits the type of project that is being carried out. They are also well trained on how to use them for their utmost safety.

  • Keeping Track of The Weather Condition

    We always put the weather forecast into consideration before we begin work on any project. Weather conditions can have a considerable impact on how well a demolition process can go as unfavorable weather conditions can cause danger on a site.

    For example, windy weather can cause objects, dust and debrises to fly around the site which could cause harm for the workers and the neighboring community. Also, rainy weather can increase the risk of fall, slips and collapse. All these can be easily avoided by having a knowledge of how favorable or unsuitable the weather condition will be that day or during the duration of the project

  • Waste Disposal

    At JP Express demolition, after carrying out demolition projects, we do not just leave the site looking unkempt. We ensure that the site is cleared up and we salvage the materials used in constructing the building for recycling.

    In conclusion, demolition projects can be very dangerous if the proper safety precautions and regulations are not adhered to. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to work with a demolition company like JP Express demolition which has years of experience and expertise.

Environmental Impacts of Demolition and Sustainable Practices

Over time, proponents of environmental well-being have highlighted the often underestimated adverse consequences of demolition, a pivotal aspect of the construction industry. Thankfully, both governmental bodies and individuals are now more conscious of these issues and are approaching them with heightened seriousness. Some of the damaging effects that demolition can inflict on our environment consist of:

Waste Production

Waste Production:

Waste Generation is a significant problem posed by the demolition industry in our society. Depending on the project's size, it can result in hundreds of thousands of tons of debris. Disposing of this waste can span several months, and the decomposition process can endure for years. All these aspects contribute to environmental pollution, endangering the well-being of both humans and animals.

Natural Disaster:

Specific demolition techniques, such as the implosive method, carry the possibility of inducing natural calamities like earthquakes. This stems from the sudden vibrations caused by the collapse of a substantial structure, which can lead to seismic activity.

Air Pollution:

During a building demolition, there's typically an overflow of dust, noise, smoke, and odors, often resulting in unpleasant smells and disturbing sounds, causing inconvenience to nearby residents.

Detrimental Health Effects:

Another negative outcome of demolition is the potential for hazardous gas leaks during the process. These leaks can be harmful to health, particularly for individuals with respiratory conditions, intensifying the risks they encounter.

demolished building
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About Us

JP Express is a team of qualified and accredited demolition contractors that has over time delivered the residents of Sands Point, NY with high-quality demolition services.

At our firm, you do not just get high-quality services but also attention to every detail as well as specialization and years of experience in the demolition industry.

Our unblemished reputation—which we got from years of honest and outstanding services provided to clients—is very important to us, and we shall never be caught providing substandard services.

As an top-notch company, we embrace perfection and disapprove of inefficiency in the wide range of demolition services provided by us. We have a team of well trained staff, state-of-the-art equipment, glowing reviews and references from previous clients.

Whatever you require from an outstanding demolition company, we have got it. Contact us for your next demolition projects, and just a single project will have you hooked forever.

Our Mission:

  • Our aim is to provide Good quality demolition services to all our clients without falling short of or breaking the trust they have in us.
  • To deliver safe and environmentally friendly demolition services for the benefits of all, both humans and animals.

Contact Us

Ready to discuss your demolition project? Reach out to JPExpress Building Demolition Contractor in Sands Point, NY today. We are ready to address your queries and provide tailored solutions for your demolition project. We look forward to hearing from you and being part of your demolition project in Sands Point, NY!

Sands Point is a village located at the tip of the Cow Neck Peninsula in the Town of North Hempstead, in Nassau County, on the North Shore of Long Island, in New York, United States. It is considered part of the Greater Port Washington area, which is anchored by Port Washington. The population was 2,675 at the 2010 census.

Zip Codes in Sands Point, NY that we also serve: 11050

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